Wine Law

CONTENTS 9 6. Conclusion; 7. Bibliography. TRADEMARKS Marie-Elvire de Moro-Giafferri Protection of Wine Names by Trademark Law 101 Introduction; I. An Eligible Sign for Protection as a Trademark; I.1. Definition of Trademark; I.2. Distinctiveness: A Core Function of Trademarks; I.2.1. Commonplace elements; I.2.2. Lack of distinctiveness of descriptive terms; I.2.3. Three-dimensional trademarks and distinctiveness; I.3. A Lawful Sign; I.4. Lack of Deceptiveness and Wine Trademarks; I.4.1. Mandatory connection with the land; I.4.2. A mandatory connection with the wine itself; II. An Available Sign; II.1. Availability Regarding Signs in the Course of Trade; II.1.1. Availability regarding prior trademarks; II.1.2. Availability regarding prior designation of origin or geographical indication; II.1.3. Availability regarding prior signs identifying a legal entity; II.2. Availability Regarding Rights related to Personality and Creation; III. A Legitimate Sign; III.1. A Legitimate Sign at the Stage of Its Application; III.2. A Legitimate Exercise of the Trademark; III.2.1. Legitimate use made by a third party; III.2.2. Legitimate use of the prior trademark. Alexandra Varla Unconventional Trademarks in the Wine Industry 131 I. Introduction; II. The Notion of Unconventional Trademarks; III. The Value of Unconventional Trademarks and the Interdependence with Branding Strategies;