Tourism Law in Europe

38 TOURISM LAW IN EUROPE d) National Coast Agency The National Coast Guard Agency, following NCA is a public legal entity, budgetary, with headquarters in Tirana, depending on the minister responsible for tourism, which aims to protect and pursue the development of the Albanian coastal area. The organisation and the functioning of the NCA is approved from the respective decision of Council of Ministers, on the proposal of the Minister responsible for tourism. The NCA’s structure and staff are approved by order of the Prime Minister, on the proposal of the minister responsible for tourism. e) Territorial Branches of Tourism The Territorial branch of tourism service is established as an administrative structure of the ministry responsible for tourism. The way of organisation and functioning of the territorial branch of the tourism service is approved by order of the minister responsible for tourism. f) Inspectorate Covering the Field of Tourism The Inspectorate covering the field of tourism is a legal entity, public and budgetary, depending on the minister responsible for tourism. The purpose of the inspection of tourist activities is to ensure the implementation of tourism legislation by entities on which this law operates, in accordance with inspection procedures. g) Local Government Units Local government units have the following duties and responsibilities: a) to create an inventory of key resources of the local government unit and inventory of tourist enterprises at the local level; b) to send every 6 months the inventory to the minister responsible for tourism; c) to provide supportive infrastructure for tourism business activities at the local level, enabling compliance with standards by tourism enterprises; d) to contribute to the development of species of various tourism at the local level, such as cultural tourism and agro-tourism, based on touristic sources, playing an active role in the diversification of tourist product, in cooperation with all central and local institutions, as well as groups of interests; e) to provide information as part of the statistic system of tourism for the minister responsible for tourism; f) to cooperate in taking measures to provide health care services primary for visitors / tourists, within the jurisdiction of local government unit, applying the standards designated by the ministry responsible for tourism and that of health; and g) to take measures to create and