Tourism Law in Europe

FRANCE | LAURENCE JÉGOUZO 197 4.1. Main Lines of the Reform Context: The Law of 22 July 2009 substantially reformed the classification procedure for tourist accommodation. Essentially, it took over the principles of the classifications made by a decree dated 22 December 200875, applicable since 1 July 2009, amending the decree of 14 December 1986 and modified since then by the decree of 23 December 2009 setting the standards and procedure for the classification of tourist hotels. 4.1.1. PRESENTATION OF THE CHANGES BROUGHT ABOUT BY THE REFORM Object: The classification standards were drawn up by Atout France in consultation with the professional organisations and the Ministry responsable for tourism. After an advisory opinion has been issued by the commission for commercial tourist accommodation, they are approved by order of the minister responsible for tourism. Then they are characterised by a “points” system, whereas the previous system validated or not the presence of compulsory equipment and, in the event of non-compliance, judged the appropriateness of granting an exemption. Moreover, the reference systems thus established are intended to be modified regularly in order to cope with changes in the sector. The classification is now issued for a limited period of five years, unlike the previous system where it was awarded permanently76. In addition, this reform allowed the creation of a fifth star, which was a long-standing demand of hoteliers in order to cope with international competition.  New Star Hierarchy: 1-5 Star Rating Goal: This classification seeks to give France the necessary means to offer quality accommodation and to respond better to international competition. The creation of the fifth star for all commercial tourist accommodation and the palace77 distinction are a significant step forward. 75 Order of 22 Dec. 2008, JORF of 1 Jan. 2009 76 Léonard J.-L et Got P., rapport d’information n3531 sur la mise en application de la loi n2009-888 du 22 juill. 2009 de développement et de modernisation des services touristiques (information report n3531 on the implementation of Law no. 2009-888 of 22 July 2009 on the development and modernisation of tourist services). 77 Order of 8 Nov. 2010 creating the palace distinction, JORF 11 Nov. 2010 modified by Order of 27 Jan. 2016, JORF 29 Jan. 2016.