The Legal Impacts of COVID-19 in the Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Industry

NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WASTE 99 What the travel and tourism industry needs – what the aviation industry needs – is for the better angels of our nature to prevail. We must learn the lessons this crisis has brought and not lose sight of the opportunity this crisis presents for rethinking things anew, opening markets to more travel and tourism, perhaps more regional and local, possibly through networks of regional and local tourism that are linked internationally through multimodal means, so as to better facilitate the vital role played by these industries – the exchange of thought and culture across geographic divides. For the aviation industry, this means not retrenching in the Chicago/Open Skies model, or worse, the Chicago/Bermuda model. The fourth scenario described above is the most utopian of prospects. Utopia, translated literally, means ‘nowhere’. Although the States tend to eschew change, now is the time not to let the crisis go to waste, and the reaction should be nothing less than a Chicago 2.0.