The Legal Impacts of COVID-19 in the Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Raúl Filipe, ESHTE President 27
José Manuel Alho, Member of the Board of Directors, INATEL Foundation 29
Ricardo Rivero Ortega, Rector of the University of Salamanca 31
Matteo Colleoni, Deputy Rector for Sustainability of the University of Milan-Bicocca 33
Zoltán Bartucz and Péter Staviczky, The Level Playing Field in Crisis Mode: State Aid Policy in the COVID 19 Pandemic with a Special Focus on the Tourism Sector 35
Michael Wukoschitz, Tour Organisers and Suppliers: Partners or Opponents in the Crisis? 79
Andrew Charlton and Charles Stotler, Never Let a Crisis Go To Waste: The Future for Commercial Aviation 91
Bertold Bär-Bouyssière, The Impact of COVID-19 on Competition Law and Policy in the Tourism Sector 101
Karmen Lutman, Hotel Cancellations and Consumer Rights in the Time of Coronavirus 113
João Almeida Vidal, The Legal Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic in the Use of Airport Slots 121
Tatjana Josipović, The Legal Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Tourism and the Hospitality Industry in Croatia 127
Klára Dvořáková, The Czech Fight over Vouchers 139
Evanthia Kardoulia, The Impact of the Coronavirus on the Air Transport and Tourism Sectors under the European and Greek Legal Frameworks 145
Alessandra Corrado, COVID-19 and Air Transport: Italian Legislative Provisions 159
Chiara Tincani, The COVID-19 Epidemic and the Impact on Tourism Contracts According to Italian Law 171
Francesco Morandi, The Use of Vouchers as an Alternative to Cash Refund: The Italian Way to Deal with the Pandemic 181
Sara d’Urso, Package Travel and Hotel Contracts: The Italian Intervention to Deal with the Impact of Coronavirus 193
Marina Gunare and Alona Rogale-Homika, Package Tour Cancellations and Consumer Rights: Temporary State Aid for the Tourism and Travel Sector in the Time of Coronavirus in Latvia 209
Rebekah Tanti-Dougall, COVID-19 and the Rights of Organisers: The Maltese Perspective 217
Inmaculada González Cabrera, Collaborative Tourism Activities as a Response to the Crisis Generated in the Tourism Sector by the COVID-19 225
Francisca Ramón Fernández and Cristina Lull Noguera, The Legal Impacts of COVID-19 in the Tourism Accommodation Establishments in Spain 255
F. Javier Melgosa Arcos, Coronavirus and Tourism in Spain: Analysis of the Legislative Provisions to Combat the Pandemic 273
Silvia Feliu, Package Travel Cancellations due to COVID-19: The Role of Travel Agencies from the Spanish Perspective 297
Sarah Prager, COVID-19: The Impact on Travel Claims and Litigation in the UK 309
Antonio Osorio, What Effect Does the Coronavirus Pandemic Have on African Countries? An Overview on the Aviation, Tourism and Hospitality Sectors 323
Ardyllis Alves Soares, Brazilian Perspectives of the Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism Law: Supply Chain and Consumer Aspects 331
Marcelo Oliveira, COVID-19 and Travel Agencies: Safeguard Measures Presented in Brazil 341
Robin Montano, The COVID-19 Epidemic and the Impact on Tourism and Tourism Contracts according to Trinidadian Law 349
Carlos Torres, The International Code for the Protection of Tourists 361
Caterina del Federico, Tourism, Data Protection and COVID-19 353
Ana Elizabeth Villalta Vizcarra, El COVID-19 y sus Impactos en el Sector Turismo en América 369
Diego Augusto Benítez, Herramientas del Derecho del Turismo Frente a la Pandemia: A 50 años de la Convención de Bruselas del Contrato de Viajes 373
Diego R. González, Los Impactos del COVID-19 en el Servicio Aeroportuario: Preguntas y Desafíos para el Ecosistema de la Aviación Civil 379
Gonzalo Casanova Ferro, Turismo y Coronavirus: Respuestas Locales a un Problema Global 399
Flavia Andrea Medina, Contractos Turísticos Electrónicos y COVID-19: Problemas y Soluciones desde el Derecho Internacional Privado Argentino 407
Sandra Sofía Arcos Valcárcel, Contratos Turísticos y COVID-19: Principios Generales para la Adecuada Renegociación de los Contratos de Prestaciones Turísticas – Una Mirada Superadora 421
Santiago Aramburu, Normativas Vinculadas a la Actividad Turística y COVID-19 en la República Argentina 437
Edgardo Marcelo Lovera Riquelme, Proceso de Vacunación en Chile: Reflexiones sobre el Turismo de Salud y COVID-19 445
Francisco Muñoz Ruz and Esteban Szmulewicz Ramírez, COVID-19 y sus Impactos en Chile: Respuestas desde las Políticas Públicas del Turismo 455
Carlos Mario Molina Betancur, El Turismo en Tiempos de COVID-19 477
Gabriela Roca and Héctor Morales, Los Impactos de COVID-19 en el Sector Turístico de Guatemala 481
Ventura Enrique Mota Flores, Instrumentos Jurídicos sobre la Gestión de la Pandemia COVID-19 en México 487
Carlos Eduardo Armas Morales, El Derecho a la Salud y los Derechos Económicos en Tiempos del COVID-19 y el Turismo Peruano 493
Raúl Pérez Guerra and María Matilde Ceballos, El Derecho del Turismo tras la Irrupción de la COVID-19: Hacia la Normalidad 507
Antonia Paniza Fullana, La Protección de Usuario de Servicios Turísticos y la Crisis Sanitaria Causada por el COVID-19 545
Ignacio Curbelo, COVID-19 en Uruguay visto desde la Administración Pública y Reflexiones de Derecho Penal 571
Julio Facal, La Responsabilidad en la Contratación Turística ante la Crisis Sanitaria Mundial por COVID-19: Aspectos Relativos a la Situación en Uruguay 581
Claudia Madrid Martínez, Respuestas Locales a un Problema Global: El Derecho del Turismo en Venezuela Frente al COVID-19 597