The Legal Impacts of COVID-19 in the Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Industry

16 LEGAL IMPACTS OF COVID-19 IN THE TOURISM INDUSTRY IV.3. The Different Legal Relationship Generated Between Users on these Platforms; V. Other Complementary Tourism Services; VI. Final Remarks; VII. Bibliography; VIII. Other Resources. Francisca Ramón Fernández and Cristina Lull Noguera The Legal Impacts of COVID-19 in the Tourism Accommodation Establishments in Spain 255 Introduction; I. Measures Adopted in Spain in Response to COVID-19 Concerning Tourism; II. The Suspension of Opening to the Public of Tourist Accommodation Establishments; III. Declaration of Essential Services to a Series of Tourist Accommodation: Accommodation for Workers; IV Tourist Accommodation and Accommodation for People Especially Vulnerable; Conclusions; Bibliography. F. Javier Melgosa Arcos Coronavirus and Tourism in Spain: Analysis of the Legislative Provisions to Combat the Pandemic 273 Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. The Legal Framework for Emergency Situations in Spain; 3. Sanitary and Socioeconomic Measures that Affect the Spanish Tourism Sector; 3.1. Cancellation of hotel and restaurant activities; 3.2. Declaration of essential services for specified tourist accommodations; 3.3. Enabling accommodation for sanitary use; 3.4. Help lines: expansion of the Thomas Cook financing line to serve all companies established in Spain included in certain economic sectors; 3.5. Support measures for consumers in package tours; 4. Health Guarantee Protocols and Certifications to Generate Security and Trust;