The Legal Impacts of COVID-19 in the Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Industry

14 LEGAL IMPACTS OF COVID-19 IN THE TOURISM INDUSTRY Chiara Tincani The COVID-19 Epidemic and the Impact on Tourism Contracts According to Italian Law 171 1. The Italian Strategy to Contain the Epidemic; 2. EU and Italian Regulations on Tourist Packages; 3. Transport Contracts; 4. Service Providers Other than the Carrier; 5. The Travel Intermediary. Francesco Morandi The Use of Vouchers as an Alternative to Cash Refund: The Italian Way to Deal with the Pandemic 181 1. Introduction; 2. Vouchers according to the Law-Decrees No. 9 and No. 18/2020; 3. The Effects on Hospitality, Transport and Package Travel Contracts; 4. The Package Travel Contracts after Law No. 27/2020; 5. The Commission Recommendation of 13 May 2020 on Travel Vouchers; 6. Final Remarks. Sara d’Urso Package Travel and Hotel Contracts: The Italian Intervention to Deal with the Impact of Coronavirus 193 Introduction; 1. The Legislative Context and General Principles of Law; 2. The Intervention of the Italian Government; 3. The Intervention of Italian Government in the Tourism Sector; 3.1. The voucher before and after amendments; 3.2. A further novelty in favour of tour operators; 3.3. The new paragraph 11 of Article 88bis; 3.4. The conflict with European discipline; 4. Potential Improvements and Conclusions. Marina Gunare and Alona Rogale-Homika Package Tour Cancellations and Consumer Rights: Temporary State Aid for the Tourism and Travel Sector in the Time of Coronavirus in Latvia 209 Abstract;