Competition Law in Tourism

622 COMPETITION LAW IN TOURISM Thereof, this tour operator or travel agent must move towards a change in roles and paradigms, reinventing and reconverting itself from a travel agent to a travel consultant, so as to continue being a strategic partner of the distribution process and of airline companies. The final question we ask ourselves is the following: is efficacy the same thing as efficiency and transparency? The market will provide the answer. REFERENCES Belobaba Peter (2012). The Global Airline Industry. Wiley Publisher, Londres. Busquets Jordi (2014). Hoteleros ven en las comisiones de las OTA uno de sus mayores problemas. Hosteltur LATAM. Retrieved 30 August 2015, from -ven-comisiones-ota-uno-susmayores-problemas.html. Doganis Rigas (2005). The Airline Business. Routledge. Taylor & Francis Group, Londres. Dvoskin Roberto (2011). La problemática de la concentración de la distribución en los mercados emergentes. Universidad de San Andrés, Buenos Aires. IATA (2014). New Distribution Capability (NDC): facilitating air retailing. Strategy paper V1.0, International Air Transport Association, Ginebra. Kotler Philip (2009). Dirección de Marketing. Pearson Educación, México D.F. Maroto Luis (2014). Presentación de nuestro concepto de ecosistema de viajes global, abierto e inteligente. Amadeus, pp 4-5. Montero Ferreiro Daniel (2015). LATAM y el Cooperativismo del Transporte Aéreo. Aerolatin News. Retrieved 30 August 2015, from -y-el-cooperativismo-del-transporteaereo/. La distribucion como factor de concentracion.- Daniel Montero Ferreiro. Rodrigue Jean-Paul, Comtois Claude y Slack Brian (2006). The Geography of Transport Systems. Routledge. Taylor & Francis Group, Londres. Spohr Carsten (2015). Lufthansa mantiene el órdago a Amadeus. Expansión. Retrieved 30 August 2015, from 198b4597.html. Taneja Nawal (2014). Designing Future-Oriented Airline Business. Ashgate, Surrey.