Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive

Alessandra Corrado 1 1. Preliminary remarks; 2. The implementation of Art. 27 in Italy; 3. Conclusions. 1. PRELIMINARY REMARKS In 2015, the Union felt the need to revise Directive 90/314/EEC, issuing Directive 2015/2302 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning tourist packages and related travel services, which modifies the Regulation (EC) n. 2006/2004 and Directive 2011/83/EU and repeals Directive 90/314/EEC 2 . The new set of rules have the scope to enhance the protection of the traveller by increasing transparency and strengthening legal certainty for travellers 3 and professionals 4 . In this respect, the European legislator makes it clear that the adoption of the new Directive carries with it the need to adapt certain Union legislative acts in the field of consumers’ protection. It is clearly stated, as a matter of fact, in Recital (48), that particularly it should be clarified that Regulation No. 2006/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council applies to infringements of this Directive 5 . 1 University of Milano Bicocca. 2 With respect to Directive 90/314/CEE of 13 of June 1990, see, among others, ZUNARELLI, La direttiva CEE n. 90/314 del 13 giugno 1990 concernente i viaggi, le vacanze e i circuiti “tutto compreso” (The EEC directive n. 90/314 of 13 June 1990 concerning travel, holidays and package tours) , in Dir. trasp., 1994, p. 69; Demarchi, La Direttiva n. 314/90, del 13 giugno 1990, sui viaggi e vacanze “tutto compreso” e la recezione nel nostro ordinamento mediante il d. lgs. 17 marzo 1995 n. 111 (The Directive n. 314/90, of 13 June 1990, on travel and package holidays and the reception in our system through the d. lgs. March 17, 1995 n. 111) , in Aa. Vv., I contratti di viaggio e turismo (Travel and toursim contracts) , ed. by Vaccà Milano, 1995, p. 11; LaTorre, Il contratto di viaggio tutto compreso (The all-inclusive travel contract) , in Giust. civ., 1996, II, p. 27; Franceschelli, La fruizione dei servizi turistici nell’ambito della politica comunitaria (The use of tourism services in the context of Community policy) , in Turismo: industria strategica del nuovo millennio (Tourism: strategic industry of the new millennium) , Milano, 1997, p. 30; Silingardi – Morandi, La vendita di pacchetti turistici (The sale of tourist packages) , Torino, 1998; Tassoni, Il contratto di viaggio (The package contract) , Milano, 1998, p. 235; Flamini, Viaggi organizzati e tutela del consumatore (Organized travel and consumer protection) , Napoli, 1999; Buonocore, I contratti di trasporto e di viaggio (Transport and travel contracts) , Torino, 2003, p. 286. 3 On the definition of travellers protected by the European legislation, see Torres, A new paradigm in the protection of traveller, in Aa. Vv. The new package travel directive , ed. by Franceschelli –Morandi –Torres, Estoril, 2017, p. 319. 4 Art.1, Subject matter: “ the purpose of this Directive is to contribute to the proper functioning of the internal market and to the achievement for a high and as uniform as possible level of consumer protection by approximating certain aspects of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States in respect of contracts between travellers and linked travel arrangements ”. 5 Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 2004 on cooperation between national authorities responsible for the enforcement of consumer protection laws (the Regulation on consumer protection cooperation).