Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive

chapter i SUBJECT MATTER, SCOPE, DEFINITIONS AND LEVEL OF HARMONISATION Article 1 Subject matter The purpose of thisDirective is to contribute to the proper functioning of the internal market and to the achievement of a high and as uniform as possible level of consumer protection by approximating certain aspects of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States in respect of contracts between travellers and traders relating to package travel and linked travel arrangements. Ph D F. Javier Melgosa Arcos 1 I. Introduction. The protection of tourists in the European Union; II. The tourist protection in the Directive (EU) 2015/2302 of 25 November; 2.1. Structure of the Directive; 2.2. Scope of application and some definitions; 2.3. Price issues; 2.4. Pre- -contractual information and formalization of the contract 2.5. Changes to the package contract before the start of the travel; 2.6. Tourist protection in the performance of the package; 2.7. Tourist protection against insolvency; Bibliography. 1 Professor of Administrative Law. University of Salamanca.