Wine Law

Consumer Protection Related To Wine Law: A Global Perspective Ardyllis Alves Soares I. Introduction; II. International Efforts of Consumer Protection; II.1. UN Consumer Protection Guidelines; II.2. International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV); III. Traditional Rights; III.1. Safety; III.2. Quality; III.3. Information; III.4. Choice; IV. Emerging Issues; IV.1. Sustainability; IV.2. Innovation; IV.3. Cultural diversity; IV.4. Digital market; V. Final Remarks; VI. References. I. INTRODUCTION Wine is highlighted trade worldwide because of its many purposes. This beverage is usually linked to special moments and also important meetings. In addition, it is also related to meetings either with family, friends or businessrelated, and can be consumed both at lunch and dinner. As a beverage, wine is an example of a product, being wine purchase considered a consumption relation. For this reason, all the aspects linked to consumer protection may be used and analysed in wine consumption. This paper has as its objective to present the traditional and emerging issues related to wine consumption and Consumer Law. Issues such as safety, quality, sustainability, among others, will be discussed infra. II. INTERNATIONAL EFFORTS OF CONSUMER PROTECTION The consumer protection movement is relatively recent. Its first relevant step was a special message sent by President John F. Kennedy to Congress on protecting the consumer interest on 15 March 19621. In this speech, Kennedy  Post-Doctoral Researcher at University Centre of Brasilia. Research Advisor at South Ural State University - Russia. Doctor and Master in Law at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). Attorney of Law. PNPD/CAPES scholar. ORCID: E-mail: 1 TAMM, Marina. Verbraucherschutzrecht. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2011 (esp. p. 20).