Wine Law

WINE, POLYPHENOLS AND HEALTH BENEFITS 227 scientific evidence about the antioxidant properties of food products derived from grapes to contribute to the promotion of public health and the national wine industry. We are at the disposal of those people related to the wine industry who wish us to carry out measurements of resveratrol and antioxidant power in grapes and its derivatives, as well as cardiologists, doctors, lawyers and people in general who wish to carry out scientific research related to this subject. REFERENCES Pastor R., Restani P, Di Lorenzo C., Orgiu F., Teissedre P. L., Stockley C., Ruf J. C., Quini C. I., García Tejedor N., Gargantini R., Aruani C., Prieto S., Murgo M., Videla R, Penissi A. B., Iermoli R. H.: Resveratrol, human health and winemaking perspectives. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 59: 1237-1255, 2017. Pastor R. F., Mariani M. L., Villach M., Cascón P., Giudice M., Iermoli R. H., Penissi A. B.: A Novel Approach to Measure the Total Antioxidant Power of Wines through Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Its Relevance in Human Nutrition. Journal of Health Science 7: 209-214, 2019.