Wine Law

CONTENTS 17 3. A Difficult Legal Framework; 4. An Opportunity for Tourism. Ricardo Poccioni Professional Organisation of Argentine Viticulture 439 I. Introduction; II. Legal Regulations: Objective Constraints; III. Cyclic Crisis and Ideological Perspectives; IV. The Fundamental Consensus; V. Conflict of Interests, Object of Coordination; VI. COVIAR (Argentine Wine Corporation); VI.1. Public Non-State Entity; VI.2. Purpose and Objectives; VI.3. Entity of Administration and Government; VI.4. Financial Resources – Penalties for Non-Compliance; VI.5. Executive Entities and Methodology; VII. Corollary. Sandra Sofía Arcos Valcárcel Wine Tourism in Argentina 455 I. Rural Tourism as a Development Phenomenon; II. Enotourism; III. Geographical Environment; IV. Enotourism in Argentina; V. The Post-Pandemic Era: What Can Be Expected from the Wine Tourism?. Freddy Andrés Hung Gil Analysis for a Legal Profile of the Import, Production and Marketing of Wines in Cuba 465 1. Brief Historical Review of Wine Imports and Consumption in Cuba; 2. Wine Production in Cuba?; 3. Import and Marketing of Wines in Cuba: The International Wine Festival of Havana; 4. Foreign Investment: Legislative Background.