Tourism Law in Europe

ALBANIA | NADA DOLLANI, XHON SKËNDERI, ARMELA MAXHELAKU 35 strongly involved, their financial capacities in these villages are badly affected by internal and external migration and the undisciplined development of the rural tourism. In this regard, it is necessary to review carefully the legislation related to agriculture and rural development, and ensure realistic transitory periods are in place, while on the other hand, to step up effort to raise awareness, provide funding and technical assistance for compliance with regulations43. 4. LEGAL FRAMEWORK IN THE TOURISM SECTOR 4.1. Law no.93/2015 “On Tourism” The law on tourism aims to strengthen coordination between government agencies, tourism businesses and various investors, facilitating this by starting in the sector and making it the largest destination for visitors44. This law introduces a number of major land innovations such as: better sales and regional organisation, program assistance, new funds and projects, better tourist infrastructure, development aircraft, authority and deadline for implementation of plans, technical assistance, vertical and horizontal formation, public-private partnership and standardisation of tourist structures45. This law is in partial compliance with Article 2, Article 3, as well as with Annex of the Council Directive No. 90/314 / EEC of 13 June 1990 on package travel, package holidays and package tours, as well as Article 2 and Article 3 of the Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament and Council no. 692/2011/EU, of 6 July 2011, “European Statistics on Tourism”. The subject matter of this legal act is, inter alia, to: (i) regulate the relations between public institutions and private entities, natural and legal persons, domestic or foreign, that exercise tourist activities and aims to regulate the rights and obligations of the entities participating in these activities, in accordance with the standards defined in this law, as well as other issues that are related to the field of tourism; (ii) regulate the cooperation relations of the interaction of governing bodies central to those of local government in defining policies and developing strategies in the field of tourism; (iii) define the rules for the coordination of work and cooperation of institutions responsible in the field of 43 Idem. 44 Article 1 of Law no. 93/2015 “On Tourism”. 45 Investment Council Secretariat: “Legal And Institutional Framework On Tourism” by E. Zerva,, p. 2, accessed on 25.08.2021.