Tourism Law in Europe

The Italian Experience in Tourism Law Chiara Tincani 1 1. Public Intervention and the Regulation of Contracts in the Italian Legal System; 2. Access to the Market and the Case of Tour Guides; 3. The Seaside Maritime State Property and a Difficult Conciliation with the Community Legislation; 4. The Traditional Contractual Models in Italian Law: The Tour Operator and the Intermediary; 5. The Tourism Code and Consumer Protection. 1. PUBLIC INTERVENTION AND THE REGULATION OF CONTRACTS IN THE ITALIAN LEGAL SYSTEM In Italy, the tourism sector is regulated by the relevant code, approved by Legislative Decree No 70 of 2011, amended by Legislative Decree No 62 of 2018, implementing the recent Directive (EU) 2015/2302 on package travel and linked travel arrangements, repealing Council Directive 90/314/EEC. According to a well-established Italian tradition, tourism law falls within the scope of transport and navigation law due to the travel contract’s importance, both academically and scientifically2 . In particular, tourism has been traditionally regulated by a strong integration of private and public rules, a distinctive feature of the more general regulation of transport3, which, in fact, has always dealt with an administrative intervention that has conditioned various phases of this activity, in every environment, maritime, air and road. In the Tourism Code, public law institutions mainly refer to the regulation of access to the relevant activities, for example, article 4 identifies tourist 1 University of Verona. 2 See Silingardi & Morandi, La “vendita di pacchetti turistici”, ed. II. Turin, 1998, 34 et seq.; Pierallini, I pacchetti turistici. Profili giuridici e contrattuali, Milano, 1998, 21 et seq.; Flamini, Viaggi organizzati e tutela del consumatore, Napoli, 1999, 11 et seq.; Buonocore, I contratti di trasporto e di viaggio, Torino, 2003, 54 et seq.; Santuari, Il contratto di viaggio “all inclusive” tra fonti interne e diritto transnazionale, Padova, 2003, 43 et seq. 3 See Oggetto e autonomia del diritto della navigazione: progresso della dottrina o involuzione?, in Riv. dir. comm., 1978, I, 3 et seq.; Le fonti del diritto della navigazione, Milano, 1965, 149 et seq.; Romanelli, Riflessioni sulla disciplina del contratto di trasporto, in Dir. trasp., 1993, 295 et seq.; A. Scialoja, Sistema del diritto della navigazione, ed. III, Roma, 1933, 9 et seq.