Tourism Law in Europe

Introduction to Italian Tourism Law Vincenzo Franceschelli1 Francesco Morandi2 1. Italian Tourism Law; 1.1. The Sources of Italian Tourism Law; 1.2. Tourism and the Italian Constitution; 2. The Ministry of Tourism and the Promotion of Italy’s Image Abroad; 3. The Competences of the Italian Regions; 4. Accommodation Facilities; 5. Holiday Farms; 6. Travel Agencies; 7. Professions in Tourism; 8. The Consumer Code; 9. The Tourism Code; 10. Hospitality and the Hotel Contract; 11. The New Tourist Package Contract; 12. Present Challenges and the Future of Tourism. 1. ITALIAN TOURISM LAW Italian Tourism Law has consolidated over time into a systematic and interdisciplinary structure3. The analysis of tourism law – according to a unitary concept that we are proud to have developed over more than twenty years – is conducted and presented from the perspective of “legal powers”4. Therefore, the fundamental characteristics of the tourism system are examined, starting from the regulatory competences (of the State, the Regions, the European Union or the general international systems), moving on to the administrative competences (referring to the several actions available: administration, promotion, incentives, control over undertakings and professionals, taxation) and, finally, exploring the role of private autonomy through an analysis of the contracts that have shown considerable development over the years. 1 Former Full Professor of Private Law, University of Milano-Bicocca; 2 Full Professor of Tourism and Transport Law, University of Sassari, Attorney at Law admitted to the Supreme Court; 3 A summary of the evolution of tourism and tourism law in Vincenzo FRANCESCHELLI, Le stagioni del turismo - Il Viaggio, il Diritto, la Vacanza, Key Editore, Milan, 2021. 4 Vincenzo FRANCESCHELLI & Francesco MORANDI, Manuale di diritto del turismo, VII ed., Giappichelli, Turin, 2019, p. 3.