Tourism Law in Europe

CONTENTS 23 Andrej Mićović 605 Tourism Law in Serbia Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Evolution of Tourism and Hospitality Rules in Serbia; 3. Legal Sources of the Tourism and Hospitality Law in Serbia; 3.1. Constitution of the Republic of Serbia; 3.2. Laws; 3.2.1. The Law on Tourism; 3.2.2. The Law on Hospitality; 3.2.3. The Law on Obligations; 3.2.4. The Law on Consumer Protection; 3.3. Bylaws; 3.4. Autonomous Legal Rules; 4. Conclusion. Monika Jurčová Travel Law in Slovakia 625 I. Introduction; II. General Overview of Tourism Law in Slovakia; III. Holiday Allowance and Vouchers for Employees; IV. Vouchers for Substitute Packages – Special Regulation for COVID-19; V. Conclusion. Matija Damjan and Karmen Lutman Tourism Law in Slovenia 635 1. Introduction; 2. Administrative Regulation of Tourism; 2.1. Organisations in the Tourism Sector; 2.2. Strategic Planning; 2.3. Conditions for Performing Tourist Activities; 2.4. Tourist Fees; 3. Sharing Economy; 4. Tourism Contracts; 4.1. Package Travel Contracts and Linked Travel Arrangements; 4.2. Tourism Contracts Regulated in the Obligations Code; 4.2.1. Overview;