Sustainable Tourism Law

FROM TOURISM TO SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 95 we are unpleasantly disappointed if we do not find it. Travel agents are presenting to their clients products compatible with this new request 146 . The Role of Private Law Private Law can play an important role in the path towardsTourism Sustainability Law 147 . Traditionally, private law is devoted to drawing a compromise between two conflicting interests. Contract law is a typical example. The existing conflicts (of interest and policy) are well known: development and preservation, exploitation and ecology. Tourism Law must find a compromise. The Role of Public Law. The Role of Regional Law and Local Administration Public and Administrative Laws are, of course, the most relevant recipients of Sustainability. References to Sustainable Development and Sustainable Tourism are present today in numerous legislative interventions: in general laws, as with reference to Environmental Protections Laws, Antipollution Laws 148 or in the protection of the cultural heritage 149 . This legislative intervention is present at national level, as well as in specific Italian Regional Tourism Laws, for example. Sustainable Tourism in specific Italian Regional Statutes: Lombardy Public opinion also influences the legislator, since among other interests he wants to please his voters. Italian Regional Law, for example, became devoted and supportive of Sustainable Tourism: more information, more transparency and more “targeted” financing. As we have seen, Italian Regions are competent inTourism Law. And Regional Laws are starting to take into consideration the element of sustainability when regulating touristic activities, especially in recent reforms of the laws. A good example is Lombardy, which has reformed the tourism regional law in 2015, in time for the Expo. 146 See, for example Alexa MOSSAZ & Alexandra COGHLAN, The role of travel agents’ ethical concerns when brokering information in the marketing and sale of sustainable tourism , in Journal of Sustainable Tourism , Vol. 25, 2017 147 See Sara LANDINI, Travel and Tourism Contracts. Design of Sustainable Tourism System , Matera, Antezza Ed., 2013, especially chapter 5, Designing Sustainable Tourism through Contracts , page. 151. 148 See, for example, Angela WILLIAMS, Reconciling Tourism and the Environment: A Task for International Environmental Law? In Vermont Journal of Environmental Law , Vol. 9, No. 1 2007, page 23-70 available at http:// Environmental_Law1.pdf. 149 See Salvatore SETTIS, La tutela del patrimonio culturale e paesaggistico e l’art. 9 della Costituzione , Jovene Editore, Napoli, 2008.