Sustainable Tourism Law
FROM TOURISM TO SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 91 engagement with a country or region’s culture or cultural activities 131 . It is connected, in part, with Cultural Heritage tourism. Tourism interacts with Cultural and Creative industries 132 . Creative industries became part of the tourism fabric. Tourism and Cultural Heritage. Heritage tourism Cultural Tourism interacts with the protection and the regulation of cultural heritage. The preservation of Cultural Heritage has only recently become a concern. But “ Heritage tourism is an activity with a long history ” 133 . A scholar wrote “ one of the most persuasive forms of tourism, and indeed one of the oldest, is travel based on cultural heritage attraction ” 134 . In terms of relevance, WTO estimates that nearly half of all international trips involve heritage and culture. Heritage and Cultural Tourism are a field that especially attracts the attention of the Management discipline. On Cultural Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Dallen J. Timothy has published in 2007 three volumes, the first dedicated to Managing Heritage and Cultural Tourism Resources , the second dedicated to The Heritage Tourist Experience , and the third to The Political Nature of Cultural Heritage and Tourism . The three volumes reproduce and reprint more than ninety articles and essays published throughout the years on the topic. A rich mine for any research in this field 135 . But the law is also involved 136 . The first organic law enacted in Italy regarding heritage conservation was the Law of 17 July 1904, no. 431. It was followed by the Law of 20 June 1909, no. 364. Then the Law of 1 June 1939, no. 1089, and the Law 29 of June 1939, no. 1497. 131 For example, musical tourism. See Sara d’URSO, Il Turismo musicale, Milano, Giuffrè, 2009. 132 V.V., Le industrie culturali e creative. Profili giuridici ed economico aziendali , Lidianna DEGRASSI – Vincenzo FRANCESCHELLI Ed., Milano, Giuffrè, 2017; AA.VV ., Tourism and the Creative Industries. Theories, policies and practice , Philip LONG and Nigel D. MORPETH Editors, Routledge, 2016. 133 Praveen SETHI, Heritage Tourism , Anmol Publication Ltd, New Delhi, 2005. In Italian see Silia GARDINI, La valorizzazione integrata dei beni culturali , in Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico , 2016, page 403, fasc. 2 134 AA. VV., Managing Heritage and Cultural Tourism Resources. Critical Essay , Edited by Dallen J. Timothy, Ashgate Publ. Lit., Farnham, 2007, introduction, page XI. 135 Dallen J. TIMOTHY editor, Managing Heritage and Cultural Tourism Resources , Critical Essay, International Library of Essays inTourism, in three volumes, the first dedicated to Managing Heritage and Cultural Tourism Resources , the second dedicated to The Heritage Tourist Experience , and the third to The Political Nature of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, Ashgate Publ. Lit., Farnham, 2007. For an Italian research AA. VV., Conoscere, conservare, valorizzare il patrimonio culturale religioso , Olimpia NIGLIO Ed., Patrimonio culturale di interesse religioso, Aracne Editrice, 2017. 136 Lidianna DEGRASSI, The Italian cultural heritage. Law and rights, Torino, Giappichelli Ed., 2012.
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