Sustainable Tourism Law
FROM TOURISM TO SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 85 We have seen that the first International Conference on human environment was held in Stockholm in 1972. A few years later a World Tourism Conference was organized by the World Tourism Organization in Manila, Philippines, from 27 September to 10 October 1980. 107 delegations of States and 91 delegations of observers participated. The object was to clarify “ the real nature of tourism in all its aspects and the role tourism is bound to play in a dynamic and vastly changing world, as well as to consider the responsibility of States for the development and enhancement of tourism in present-day societies as more than a purely economic activity of nations and peoples ”. It is significant that, in 1993, a journal entirely dedicated to sustainable tourism was founded: The Journal of Sustainable Tourism 111 . An open discussion started among scholars. In 1998 the impact of tourism on the third world began to be studied 112 . The Charter for Sustainable Tourism (Lanzarote, 1995) Fifteen years later, in Lanzarote, the Charter for Sustainable Tourism (Lanzarote, 1995) was drafted 113 . In the Charter we read: “ We, the participants in the World Conference on Sustainable Tourism, meeting in Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain, on 27-28 April 1995, …Tourism development shall be based on criteria of sustainability, which means that it must be ecologically bearable in the long term, economically viable, as well as ethically and socially equitable for the local communities . Sustainable development is a guided process which envisages global management of resources so as to ensure their viability, thus enabling our natural and cultural capital to be preserved. As a powerful instrument of development, tourism can and should participate actively in the sustainable development strategy. A requirement of sound management of tourism is that the sustainability of the resources on which it depends must be guaranteed ”. The World Code of Ethics for Tourism (1999) A few years later (1999) the World Code of Ethics for Tourism was approved. TheWorld Code of Ethics for Tourism is a Resolution adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations, recalling the UN resolution 32/156 of 19 111 In this year 2017 Bill BRAMWELL, James HIGHAM, Bernard LANE & Graham MILLER published Twenty-five years of sustainable tourism and the Journal of Sustainable Tourism: looking back and moving forward , in Journal of Sustainable Tourism , Vol. 25, 2017, page 1. 112 See, for example Martin MOWFORTH – Ian MUNT, Tourism and sustainability. Development and the new tourism in the third world , Routledge, London, 1998, (2 Ed. 2003). 113 Somebody says that the Lanzarote Conference saw the birth of the term and the concept of Sustainable Tourism.
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