Sustainable Tourism Law
MEASURES TO PROMOTE SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 835 island products; proposing experiences centred on the special Balearic Island heritage characteristics, traditions, gastronomy, diversity, countryside, etc.; attracting tourists by organising events centred on sports, cultural, musical, environmental events, etc. These can be organised outside the summer season, at other times of year, and thereby help to ensure that not all the Balearic Islands tourism on offer is dependent on the summer weather. III. LAW ON TOURISM STAY TAXATION IN BALEARIC ISLANDS AND MEASURES TO DRIVE SUSTAINABLE TOURISM Implementing all the measures proposed in the “Sustainable Tourism Strategy for the Balearic Islands 2017-2020” document, and especially those highlighted, requires specific financing. I personally believe financing is the biggest hurdle to be overcome so that strategies to move the emphasis of Balearic Islands tourism to other times of year can be put in place, and to repair ecosystems and heritage harmed by mass tourism during the peak summer season. The coming into force and application of the aforementioned Law on Tourism stay taxation on the Balearic Islands and measures to drive sustainable tourism brings with it a significant source of financing that can be applied to implementing the proposed measures. This Law introduces a new source of taxation and creates a fund to promote sustainable tourism, as well as a Commission for driving sustainable tourism. In order to execute proposals designed to achieve equilibrium between Balearic Islands tourism exploitation and repairing the harm it causes, there are serious financing needs that have to be put in place. The intended purpose of collecting this new tax is to achieve the economic resources required to implement all the measures set out in the “Sustainable Tourism Strategy for the Balearic Islands 2017-2020” document, which creates strategic lines for developing tourism across 57 specific programmes. Amounts raised by this tax, which has been introduced for the purpose, will be entirely allocated to costs and investments “… having to do with developing and protecting the environment and sustainable tourism … ” established in the foreword to the Law. As already mentioned however, as well as introducing the tax, this Law creates a fund to foster sustainable tourism and a Commission to drive sustainable
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