Sustainable Tourism Law
Measures to Promote Sustainable Tourism: Case Study of Balearic Islands Belén Ferrer Contracted Doctoral Professor University of Balearic Islands I. Introduction II. Sustainable Tourism Strategy for the Balearic Islands 2017- 2020 III. Law on Tourism Stay Taxation in Balearic Islands and measures to drive sustainable tourism I. INTRODUCTION The United Nations General Assembly declared 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. To reflect this theme for the year, the Balearic Islands Government (Govern de las Illes Balears) and the Island Councils (Consells Insulars) drafted a joint document entitled “Sustainable Tourism Strategy for the Balearic Islands 2017-2020” mainly focused on the sustainable competitiveness of the Balearic Islands. Legislative power in Spain is divided between the State and the various Autonomous Regions that make up this country. This means that the central Parliament (Cortes Generales 1 ) and the various Parliaments of the Autonomous Regions have equal capacity to draft and approve legislation. Therefore, state authority in Spain is shared. Laws issued by Autonomous regional parliaments have the same official status as national law and as such both are solely subject to oversight by the Constitutional Court. As Spanish sources of law include differentiated and autonomous legal systems (the national legal system, on the one hand, and the autonomous region legal systems on the other) the principle of competences is the only principle available to explain the relationship between national and autonomous region legislation. Articles 148 and 149 of the Spanish Constitution in this sense 1 N.T. Comprises two Houses: the Parliament and the Senate.
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