Sustainable Tourism Law

824 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW generated through processes that use mainly renewable energy sources; achieve environmental certifications based on community and national standards; implement actions foreseen by European legislation for a sustainable and competitive tourism; to involve local communities economically, socially and culturally 20 . The interest and commitment of the region, demonstrated in practice by the various initiatives financed and initiated, emerges well in article 85 “Evaluation clause”, which specifies that every two years a report is drawn up that documents and describes the results achieved at regional level in the various areas of intervention, including sustainability, in order to verify the achievement of the objectives and the effectiveness and efficiency of the projects implemented. The real participation of the region in tourism sustainability is then noted in the various projects funded and started: among others the recent project East Lombardy 2017- European region of Gastronomy. In particular, the valorisation of local food and local production and exchange networks, the short supply chain, the implementation of the use of local products also in the tourism sector, the reduction of food waste are some of the winning issues in the field of sustainability 21 . As mentioned above, the objective of the regional law is mainly sustainability and simplification, to these, no less important, are added accessibility 22 and public-private integration. Regarding the importance of accessibility there are no observations. With regards to integration, this is a key component for sustainability, which involves not only institutions and businesses, but also tourists themselves, who become actors in the transformation process towards a more responsible tourism 23 . The rule encourages public/private aggregation 20 Art. 75, l.r. Lombardia 27/2015. 21 Other on going regional projects on sustainable tourism: COSME Thematic tourism products linked to the cultural and creative industries – In 2016 other interregional projects were started, also in Lombardy: The Green and Blue Tourism project - experiences of paths and cycle routes; Milan-Sanremo del Gusto - quality itineraries between Liguria, Piedmont and Lombardy “, leading region: Liguria, partner: Lombardy and Piedmont, investment of over 670 thousand euros. - “Cultural tourism - royal residences, villas, castles and historic gardens”, leading region: Piedmont; partners: Liguria, Lombardy, Veneto, Valle d’Aosta, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio. Total project amount of 1.3 million euros. - “Wine and food tourism”, leading region: Emilia Romagna, partners: Lombardy, Piedmont, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia. Total amount of 2.2 million euros. - “Golf”, leading region: Friuli Venezia Giulia, partner regions: Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Veneto, Piedmont. Total amount of 591 thousand euros. 22 For a study on disability, see S. Assennato – M. Quadrelli, Manuale della disabilità, Maggioli, 2012. 23 As indicated in European Commission Communication, Basic guidelines for the sustainability of European tourism (COM) 2003 final, 21 November 2003.