Sustainable Tourism Law

TOWARD A REGIONAL SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 823 there are ever-closer and denser relations of a different juridical nature, whose solidity and efficiency can compromise the competitiveness of a territory. This network 16 is the same that is also activated in sustainable tourism. III. THE INTERVENTION OF THE REGIONS Several Italian regions (among other Veneto, Piedmont, Umbria, Lombardy, Sardinia) have moved to revise their tourism laws, almost unanimously oriented towards simplification 17 and sustainability. The Lombardy region, always attentive to the issue of sustainability, already in the previous “Testo unico delle leggi regionali in materia di turismo”, l.r. 19 July 2007, n. 2, art. 5 had envisaged the implementation of integrated policies for sustainable tourism development of the territory, aimed at increasing environmental, economic and social sustainability. With the subsequent revision law, on the 27th of 2015, the sustainability objective is resumed and expanded within the articles and seems to re-propose the 3 actions by the UNEP. Already in art. 2, “Purpose”, in paragraph 1, lett. o) the commitment of the region is confirmed to guide the policies regarding infrastructures and services to integration, necessary to achieve sustainable tourism from an environmental, economic and social point of view, promoting its realization. The Regional Council promotes the development and coordination of intermodal and sustainable mobility services, in particular cycle paths 18 , sharing methods, such as bike sharing and sustainable methods of distributing goods 19 ; and intervenes in favour of sustainable tourism through forms of contribution and facilitation for tourism businesses and local businesses wishing to achieve: reduction of water and energy consumption, of waste, of atmospheric emissions and noise pollution; interventions to achieve a level of environmental protection superior to that established by national and Community rules; produce energy 16 On the network contract, among others, see : F. Cafaggi, Il contratto di rete , in Obbl. e contr. , 2009 , p. 23; G.D. Mosco, Frammenti ricostruttivi sul contratto di rete , in Giur. comm. , 2010, p. 839; F. Macario, Il contratto e la rete: brevi note sul riduzionismo legislativo , in Contratti , 2009, p. 956; P. Iamiceli, Dalle reti di imprese al contratto di rete, un percorso (in)compiuto , in P. Iamiceli (edited by), Le reti di imprese e i contratti di rete , Torino, 2009, p. 26. 17 The European Union, with the directive 2006/123/CE, implemented in Italy with the d. lgs. 26 March 2010, n. 59 has set the goal of eliminating authorizing regimes, bureaucratic formalities that are an obstacle, because excessive, to undertake new activities and has at the same time set the principle of the single interlocutor with which to carry out all the necessary tasks, using mainly telematic instruments. 18 The project “Explora in Lombardia” of cycle tourism. www. 19 Art. 17, l.r. Lombardia 27/2015.