Sustainable Tourism Law
80 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW wrote that “ the word ‘sustainability’ has been connected to everything from a certain kind of economic development to corporate promises about improved supply sourcing ” 92 . What is clear is that sustainability is an interdisciplinary field of research, because it can affect and influence a large number of matters and, therefore, must be seen from a multidisciplinary perspective 93 . Sustainable Development: a definition and the three pillars Studies on Sustainability led to the concept of “Sustainable Development”. Sustainable Development is a development practice based on the principles of sustainability. The objective of Sustainable Development is therefore to achieve simultaneously both socio-economic growth and environmental care, which led to the three pillars of the concept of sustainability 94 : 1. Economy; 2. Environment; 3. Society 95 . So, Sustainable Development is defined as the development “ that meets the present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs ”. This definition, as we have already seen, comes from the UN Bruntland Commission, the World Commission on Environment and Development (Bruntland, 1987). By socio-economic growth is meant the business development related to society values 96 . Sustainability, based on the three pillars, expanded in a multidisciplinary approach. This multidisciplinary approach involves law, economics, sociology, 92 Kent E. PORTNEY, Sustainability , Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. 2015. 93 Urmila M DIWEKAR – Heriberto CABEZAS, Sustainability: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives , Sharjah: Bentham Science Publishers. 2012. 94 David WILLIAMSON., Gary LYNCH-WOOD,., & John RAMSAY, J. (2006). Drivers of Environmental Behaviour in Manufacturing SMEs and the Implications for CSR . In Journal of Business Ethics , Vol.67, 2006, page 317-330. 95 Some scholars added a fourth and fifth pillar, the institutional and cultural aspects. 96 There are, of course, various definition of Sustainable Development. Tim O’RIORDAN – Heather VOISEY, The political economy of sustainable development , in Environmental Politics , 1997, write: “There are almost as many definitions of sustainable development as there are writers who contemplate it. The very ambiguity of the term allows interests from many different walks of life to debate it and to seek to achieve it”.
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