Sustainable Tourism Law
AIRPORT, CIVIL AVIATION AND TECHNOLOGY LEGAL RELATIONSHIP 793 viii. Do I have access to the VIP salon? ix. Are there luggage lockers? x. How is the transport after arrival? xi. What public transport choices are there? xii. Can UBER be used at the airport? xiii. What happens if the traveler needs medical attention? xiv. Should the traveler ask the airport for assistance? Or the airline? Is it free? xv. Who takes special care of handicapped people (PRM)? The carrier? Can it be requested at the airport? The answer is not indifferent. Depends on the criteria adopted, to inform or not previously, may be the key to the quality of the trip and possible claims for damages. Either to avoid them or to initiate them to all service providers involved in the air travel chain. If this is the case, it seems that the time has come for the Organizers of combined trips to begin to familiarize and train themselves in the knowledge of the airport service, know the airports with which their travelers will be in contact during the trip, the costs of the airport charges, the quality and type of services that the airports provide, the performance in luggage care, the liability regime that governs each airport in case of causing damages to consumers 38 , in order to at least form an opinion, to know their eventual future creditor or debtor, and, in any event, to evaluate the risks or advantages of marketing a trip through one airport or another. VI. STATE REGULATION AND AIRPORT LEGAL RELATIONSHIP In the provision of the airport service, the role of the State is very important for various reasons. Regulation is among the most prominent roles. As a matter of a fact, it is not only important the state control of how the Airport Operator fulfills its obligations and responsibilities, but more important than the control, it is how the State regulates the activity. This is so since airport regulation must be planned in line with the airport policy, the existing legality framework, including, if applicable, airport management or operation contracts that each State has subscribed. 38 Remember that the limitation of liability of the Montreal Convention of 1999 applies only to the carrier and its agents, but not to the airport operator.
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