Sustainable Tourism Law
782 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW travel industry in general 15 , and the 4.0 industry 16 , and the Fourth Industrial Revolution 17 are already in full motion in aviation. It is then time to call to become aware of this unstoppable reality, to deepen the analysis and training in the legal and regulatory aspects of this technological phenomenon applied in airports and interact intelligently with its suppliers, which they trust and go to increasingly rely on the operation of the airport systems and processes. III. LEGAL INSTITUTES, AERONAUTICAL LAW AND AIRPORT LEGAL RELATIONSHIP The DNA difference that we are describing is not a mere intellectual exercise or legal doctrine. Framing legal, aeronautical and airport relations, in one or another regime (aeronautical or airport / administrative / civil / criminal law, etc.) has direct effects, practical consequences, in the application of very important legal institutes. We believe that the legal institutes of aeronautical law, based on the principle of the specialty , have been created and developed without been considered. But in case of considering them they have to be expressly differentiate from the airport service, the airport operator and the airport user or consumer. We will next see some legal institutes where you can see the legal differentiation, in situations within the airport, involving the airport operator, but in which, the aeronautical law, separates it from its framework of application and protection. III.1. Civil liability The liability regime of the airport operator is as broad as the range of legal relationships that the provision of the airport service implies. As a matter of extension of this work, we will focus the analysis on a specific case such as the damage suffered by passengers at the airport during the execution of the air transport contract. 15 Digital Transformation Initiative Aviation, Travel and Tourism Industry. See: t20170116T084449__w__/us-en/_acnmedia/Accenture/Conversion- Assets/WEF/PDF/Accenture-DTI-Avia- tion-Travel-and-Tourism-Industry-White-Paper.pdf . 16 Jones Wades. The industry 4.0 and travel: Bringing “Smart Travel” together the-industry-4-0-and -travel-bringing--smart-travel-together/. 17 Doral, David “Aeronautics and the fourth industrial revolution.
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