Sustainable Tourism Law

THE PATH TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 773 It should be noted that for many years now, from the educational sciences, the need has arisen to develop new training methods that guarantee a less dogmatic and reductionist education (by means of closed compartments). Some authors emphasize problem-based learning (PBL) by which, instead of exposing the information in the first place, the problem arises to identify the learning needs and incorporate just the right information 10 . Thus, it is claimed that: “The human being is willing to really learn only about that which makes sense or is logical...” “... The only authentic learning is meaningful learning, relevant learning. Any other learning will be purely mechanical, by heart, temporary... “ “…Meaningful learning is a relational learning. Meaning is given by the relationship of new knowledge with previous knowledge, with everyday situations, with one’s own experience, with real situations, etc.” 11 VII. SUMMING-UP The statement of “sustainable tourism” is not a matter of promotion, neither of unidisciplinary or multidisciplinary definitions, nor of repressive or dissuasive policies, nor of “marketing” or competitiveness. Only education, from the practical, everyday, cross-cutting, transdisciplinary area can, in the future, make reality achieve that objective progressively, through the conscious, founded and progressive change of the behaviour of the inhabitants of the planet. 10 “Problem-based learning as a didactic technique” Directorate of Educational Research and Development – Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education. ( ). 11 Juan E. León: atón/aprendisajesignificativo ).