Sustainable Tourism Law

770 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW • This led to a participating process, carried out in each of the Argentine tourism regions, with the intervention of the provincial and municipal governments, professionals, academics, businessmen and non- -governmental organizations that decided upon the so-called “Strategic Federal Plan for Sustainable Tourism” “(2006 – 2010) in which, in an interdisciplinary way, they proposed the general and particular objectives, the short and medium-term projects within each objective and the Plan’s feedback mechanism. • Another topic that is worth noting is the creation of an Inter-ministerial Committee for Tourism Facilitation composed of the Deputy Secretaries from each of the Ministries, in order to coordinate the exercise of the different administrative powers whose decisions influence the tourism industry. If the so-called Tourism Law studies the statutory, administrative and case- -law framework of the tourism industry and all the stakeholders involved in it; and it is not an autonomous branch but it studies the application of the principles of public and private law to the tourism business, then its teaching requires that the law student or lawyer previously learn about the basic knowledge of the macro and microeconomic, spatial or territorial, cybernetic, socio-cultural and political aspects necessary to understand the fact and the tourism industry and that allow the critical reflection of the “ratio juris” of its regulation and execution. For this reason, the aforementioned postgraduate program begins with a series of subjects taught by professionals from non-legal disciplines that, from their perspective, illustrate the tourism industry, the problems posed and advantages arisen. This academic and teaching criteria adopted for postgraduate training in the study of “tourism law” requires a comprehensive teaching method to train professionals towards a future sustainable tourism development. Such training that promotes changes as an expansive wave of the community, it is also necessary for the design of the students’ own tourism projects as well as for their capacity to evaluate and certify, as appropriate, the sustainability of the tourism developments and ventures of the public and private sector, allowing them to assume a new professional role. The University organizes its undergraduate studies in careers, whose curricula allow them to obtain a degree that guarantees the acquisition of the specific