Sustainable Tourism Law
768 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW The transdisciplinary approach does not eliminate the disciplines, what it eliminates is to consider disciplinary knowledge as a unique or totalizing truth, which prevents visualizing the complexity of reality itself. However, it is not only from the conjunction of the different scientific disciplines that the understanding of complex phenomena is approached. It is necessary to add to the rational logical thought, analogical thought that, by nature, is the one capable of establishing infinite relationships from the emotional and intuitive feelings and that allows us to use the most sensitive side of the intellect, memory, the senses, the capacity for comparison. VI. POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION IN SUSTAINABLE TOURISM In a wonderful work by Spanish Emeritus Professor Dr. Alejandro Nieto, named as a jubilee lesson at the Law School of the Complutense University of Madrid, in March, 2001 about “Limitations of legal knowledge” 8 , the author examines the epistemology of law, pointing out the different existing methods of knowledge and the epistemological, logical and communicating limitations to demonstrate how the law is constantly nourished by the complex reality that tries to apprehend and mould. The new approaches to scientific knowledge are not only applicable to tourism and the environment, as it has been pointed out, but now to any particular discipline, and the science of law is not alien to this new approach. This principle was present in the curriculum design of the Postgraduate Program on Tourism Law of which I have been the Director since 2006 at the Postgraduate Department, Law School, University of Buenos Aires. It should be noted that the so-called Tourism Law is not a new autonomous branch of the legal system, as several authors claim. From the legal system viewpoint, its approach is multidisciplinary, from the tourism viewpoint, it integrates the cross-cutting characteristic of its study. From the Argentine legal system, we promote a broad and integral concept of development, applicable to the tourism regulations. In fact, the Argentine Constitution, as amended in1994, in its section 41, defines environment, from a broad concept, typifying the right of all inhabitants to a healthy 8 Alejandro Nieto, “Las limitaciones del conocimiento jurídico” (Limitations of the legal knowledge) Editorial Trotta – Madrid – 2003 p. 13-66.
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