Sustainable Tourism Law
THE PATH TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 767 Morin considers the paradigm as the nucleus that defines the conditions of possibility of knowledge. What he calls “the paradigm of simplicity,” originated in Descartes, supposes a) to divide each difficulty in as many parts as possible to solve them; b) to start by learning about the simplest objects until you get to know the most complex objects. This paradigm causes the fragmentation of knowledge and results in both the organization of separate disciplines and a hyper-specialization of the researcher and the objectification of the object of study, in the search for more accurate knowledge. For example, for many years, medicine has recognized several specializations that devote their attention to different parts of the human body and its techniques of approach. Last January, due to family issues, I learned about the existence of surgical oncologists specialized in soft tissue, or neurologists specialized in peripheral nerves. These neurologists, however, in order to address the deep knowledge of how millions of brain nerve cells work, they specialize as neuroscientists. Applied neuroscience has a multidisciplinary or pluridisciplinary nature, since it is based on disciplines such as clinical psychology, cognitive science, neurophysiology, physics, engineering, robotics, artificial intelligence or bioinformatics. The expansion of applied neuroscience gives rise to new fields, such as neuroeconomics, neuromarketing and neuroeducation, although the main areas of application include clinical and work. As we are facing the growing specialization in each science, with an increasingly large number of separate pieces of study, a pluridisciplinary, interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary approach is required for reality knowledge. Pluridisciplinarity involves addressing the study of an “object” (in a broad sense as a fact, activity, tangible and intangible, cultural, etc) by several disciplines at the same time 6 . Interdisciplinarity involves transferring the methods from one discipline to another, for example, if the methods of logics are applied to the field of law, epistemological changes occur in the legal area. Transdisciplinarity is that which is between the disciplines, through the different disciplines and beyond all discipline. Its purpose is the understanding of reality, from the unity of knowledge 7 . 6 Basarab Nicolescu “La transdisciplinariedad Manifiesto” (Transdisciplinarity. Manifesto) www.multidiversi- . 7 B. Nicolescu op. cit.
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