Sustainable Tourism Law
A LEGAL APPROACH TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT INDICATORS 759 create a research model that quantitatively and accurately evaluates the present sustainable situation through the use of a reasonable weight determination method for each evaluation indicator (Luan et al., 2017) Monitoring this process is a key element. The primary tools for monitoring progress in implementation of the EU Sustainable Development Strategy are indicators. In order to ensure methodological consistency and comparability between countries, the calculation of indicators based on raw data must be, whenever possible, from the same source or entity. The primary role of sustainable development is its operationalization for the monitoring of strategy implementation by identifying a set of measures. Monitoring the EU Sustainable Development Strategy is carried out on the principles and development objectives for each dimension (Kovacic, 2017). All the above dimensions provide for an integrated approach to sustainable development and therefore define strategic objectives in social, economic, environmental and institutional as well as political area. Within each dimension themes relating to specific objectives and priorities for sustainable development have been developed. Being this a dynamic system, nowadays we find a set of sustainable development indicators so flexible that it has been supplemented with new indicators as to answer to a possible change in the priorities for sustainable development or the occurrence of new problems like terrorism, insecurity, economic crisis. At present, the set of indicators includes various thematic areas whose themes are related to the main objective of the EU Sustainable Development Strategy. Sustainable development policy aims to achieve a continuous improvement in citizens’ quality of life and well-being. There are more than 100 indicators structured around the ten themes, but many more can be presented when someone wants to monitor the overall progress towards the adoption of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Considering the enormous importance of tourism activity worldwide, sustainability concerns have increasingly come to the agenda of several organizations as well as their stakeholders (Broman & Robert, 2017). Tourism has been growing /UNWTO) and this situation has reinforced the nature of competition in many tourist destinations around the world. As a result, there has been an historical and empirical research about sustainability and the need not only to create indicators but also to use them to achieve new tourist sustainable paths (Rinne et al., 2013).
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