Sustainable Tourism Law
A LEGAL APPROACH TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT INDICATORS 757 Dimension Theme Indicator Well-being and equity Natural and human capital Value of natural resource stocks ($) Net annual value addition/removal ($/ year) Literacy rate (%) Access to resources Access to modern energy (%) Access to water (%) Access to sanitation (%) Access to health care (%) Health Level of harmful chemicals in drinking water (g/litre) Number of people hospitalised due to air pollution (person) Road traffic fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants (transport related) Source: Adapted from European Union (2013) The World Bank proposes a different perspective (Table 4). Table 4: Example of some World Bank indicators for green economy policy making Dimension Channels Indicator Environmental Improved environment Indicators specifically developed for the domain in question (for example, reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, natural area protected from development, air or water quality. Economic Increase in factors of production (physical capital, human capital, and natural capital) Measured by the additional production from increased capital (potentially measured by the value of ecosystems or renewable resources), or by the value of additional capita. Accelerated innovation, through correction of market failures in knowledge Measured by productivity indicators (for example, efficiency of photovoltaic panels used to produce electricity) or dissemination indicators (for example, the fraction of the population with access to photovoltaic electricity). Enhanced efficiency, through correction of non- -environmental market failures Measured by indicators for resource efficiency (for example, the material or energy intensity of production, reduction in the time of in the value of time lost from congestion), or by additional production.
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