Sustainable Tourism Law
Governance for a Sustainable Development in Tourism Mario Carlos Beni 1 School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA/USP) This concept, which was neither well explored nor understood by the State and by the private initiative, has been worked by several authors in Academia in different areas of knowledge, including Tourism. Its use by different fields of study gave rise to many conflicts and controversies, as this diversity of concepts is often a reflex of the disciplinary perspective of each researcher. In fact, its concept forces us to a inter and transdiciplinary approach with an extensive transversal and intersectional view. There are many definitions of this subject – and the most used are the questions inherent to the responsibilities of Public Administration, Private Initiative and the Tertiary Sector, the transparency and the effective engagement and partnership among those agents, with a solid structure, efficiency and power, making the definition, its understanding and application more difficult. Keywords: Sustainable, Tourism, Governance, Sustainability, Sustainable Tourism Although we have yet to reach a consensus about which dimensions to consider for the governance of touristic destinations, some of my finest former students 1 Doctor in Sciences of Communication and Research Professor in Tourism by the School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA/USP); Retired University Professor (ECA/USP); guest Professor in several postgraduate programs stricto sensu in Tourism and Hospitality in Brazil and abroad. Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Tourism at the UnB – University of Brasília. He is a collaborator of important scientific Tourism periodicals and belongs to the Higher Council of the International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism and to the International Academy of Tourism. He was a member of the Ethic Committee of the Tourism World Organization representing the Americas. Member of the World Association of Graduation in Hotel Management and Tourism, he was awarded the prize Tourism Award 2003. He belongs to the Brazilian Academy of Events and Tourism and is a member of the National Council of Tourism of the Ministry of Tourism. He is the Rector of the Corporative University and President of the National Council of the National Confederation of Tourism.
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