Sustainable Tourism Law
LAW ON TOURISM IN CHINA – MAINLAND CHINA AND HONG KONG 727 (i) unification of economic efficiency, social effects and ecological effects by way of integrated development, i.e. “…a combination of development of the tourism industry with new-type industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization ” (Paragraph 1); (ii) development of a “ favourable tourism environment ”, meaning tourists can travel in a worry-free, comfortable and joyful manner (paragraph 1); (iii) lending greater importance to conserving resources, energy and the protection of the ecological environment; and giving greater attention to cultural inheritance and innovation, for the purpose of accomplishing sustainable development. This includes promoting the establishment of national park systems to “…realise more effective protection and utilization of national natural and cultural heritage ” (paragraph 2); (iv) to develop alongside the construction of the Silk Road Economic Zone and the 21 st Century Maritime Silk Road 110 , promoting regional tourism by creating favourable entry-exit policies to border tourism and fostering cooperation with Southeast, South, Central and Northeast Asia and Central and Eastern Europe (paragraph 4); (v) promotion and improvement of various types of tourism: sports and fitness leisure; medical services specifically using traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology; full-trailer caravan camping; railway; forest; marine; cruise ship; yacht; low altitude flight; and rural, cultural, arts and innovations (paragraphs 6 – 8); (vi) vigorous development of senior citizen tourism by constructing a “… barrier-free environment, and with appropriate equipment with assistive devices for travelling by senior citizens and the disabled ” (paragraph 10); (vii) improvement of the tourism transportation system, especially in key tourist scenic spots, where traffic concentration and distribution systems shall be perfected and spot-to-spot tourist-dedicated train transportation services shall also be operated (paragraph 12); (viii)enhanced supervision over tourist road traffic and food safety, provision of “…pre-job training on safety risk prevention and emergency rescue skills” , and setting up exclusive medical and rescue teams at key scenic spots (paragraph 13); 110 Also known as, in short, The Belt and Road Initiative. 絲綢之路經濟帶和 21 世紀海上絲綢之路 (Chinese).
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