Sustainable Tourism Law

704 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW the fight against corruption and organised and serious crime, practical cooperation in the field of political asylum and the prevention of illegal border crossings in the Danube region. Concrete actions involve moving from pure information, and strategic agreements with countries, to operational agreements with a view to clear results 52 . Growing economic integration and rising cross-border trade bear the danger of rising organised and serious crime in the region (smuggling, trafficking in human beings, black market). Besides the social damage it causes, organised crime can also hinder business development and limit further economic growth. The recent history and the different stages of EU integration of the Danube Region make this issue a particular problem. Differences in the national legislative frameworks can make cross-border law enforcement lengthy and cumbersome and facilitate organised and serious crime. Therefore, frameworks of international cooperation and existing initiatives should be reinforced 53 . CONCLUSIONS There are numerous legal and policy documents governing sustainable tourism that have been adopted at the level of UN and EU. Among these documents, important piece of puzzle are macro-regional strategies, such as the EU Strategy for the Danube region which provides sustainable framework for policy integration and coherent development of the Danube Region. To achieve sustainability goals, appropriate, well-implemented and effective legal frameworks and tools must be in place 54 . In order to make the legal framework for sustainable tourism effective, it is necessary to finalize the process of adoption of legally binding documents in the form of convention under the auspices of UNWTO (Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics and Convention on the protection of tourists and the rights and obligations of tourism service providers), include sustainability component in the definition of tourist and impose strict obligations on tourists for the purpose of protection of the nature, cultural 52 EUSDR Action Plan, p. 75. 53 EUSDR Action Plan, p. 82. 54 Law is a necessary part of the solution to sustainability challenges. It is not the whole solution – that encompasses a complex system of social, economic and political processes and relationships – but it is an essential component. See: Martin P., Boer, B., Slobodian, L., (eds.) Framework for Assessing and Improving Law for Sustainability , IUCN Environmental Policy and Law Paper No. 87/2016, p. ix, available at: sites/dev/files/ framework_for_assessing_and_improving_law_for_sustainability_0.pdf.