Sustainable Tourism Law
TOURIST AND CONSUMER PROTECTION 683 excursionist as a person taking a trip which does not include an overnight stay to a main destination outside his/her usual environment ( “For the purpose of this Annex any reference to tourists constitutes at the same time a reference to excursionists ”). In the text of the Draft Convention “tourism service” means “ the provisions of any of the following services provided for tourists, in a separate or combined manner such as: Accommodation services; food and beverage services; railway, road, water or air passenger transport services; transport rental services; travel agencies and other reservation services; cultural, religious or sports events; other leisure services provided to tourists” . And “tourism service provider” means any natural person or any legal person (irrespective of whether privately or publicly owned) who sells, offers to sell, supplies or undertakes to supply a tourism service to the tourist. It is important to have these definitions of tourists and excursionists in the new age of Travel Law, becoming a person who travels for different purposes, “ business, leisure or other personal purpose” . The definition of the “traveller” is in the Directive (EU) 2015/2303, on package travel and linked travel arrangements. In this case, the traveller is: “any person who is seeking to conclude a contract, or is entitled to travel on the basis of a contract concluded, within the scope of this Directive”. In the Annex II, the text of the Draft Convention explains that: “A person travelling for purposes related to his/her trade, craft, business or profession (business traveller) is considered as a tourist, unless the package is purchased on the basis of a general agreement for the arrangement of business travel between a trader and another natural or legal person who is acting for purposes relating to his trade, business, craft or profession” . The Convention promotes an appropriate degree of protection for tourists and clarifies the rights and obligations of tourism service providers. III. TOURIST AS CONSUMER IN THE UNWTO DRAFT CONVENTION ON THE PROTECTION OF TOURISTS AND ON THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF TOURISM SERVICE PROVIDERS III.1. IN GENERAL The annexes of the Convention include standards and recommended practices in specific tourism services and in case of emergency situations. It is the case of package travel and accommodation. These words and expressions have been defined in article 3. “Standards” means mandatory minimum requirements for
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