Sustainable Tourism Law
Tourist and consumer protection: UNWTO Draft Convention on the Protection of Tourists and on the Rights and Obligations of Tourism Service Providers Antonia Paniza Fullana Senior University Lecturer in Civil Law University of the Balearic Islands SUMMARY I. INTRODUCTION II. SCOPE OF UNWTO DRAFT CONVENTION ON THE PROTECTION OF TOURISTS ANDONTHE RIGHTS ANDOBLIGATIONS OFTOURISM SERVICE PROVIDERS III. TOURIST AS CONSUMER IN THE UNWTO DRAFT CONVENTION ON THE PROTECTIONOFTOURISTS ANDONTHE RIGHTS ANDOBLIGATIONS OF TOURISM SERVICE PROVIDERS 1. IN GENERAL 2. PACKAGE TRAVEL 3. ACCOMMODATION 4. ASSISTANCE IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS CONCLUSIONS I. INTRODUCTION The UNWTODraft Convention on the Protection of Tourists and on the Rights and Obligations of Tourism Service Providers will be analysed in this paper. This is a Draft that studies by applying a global scope the question of tourist rights and rights and duties of the tourist service providers. It is very important to feature the global context of this Convention in a subject such as tourism. As the UNWTO Draft stipulates in the Preamble, this Convention pretends to establish uniform provisions relating to the protection of tourists and the
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