Sustainable Tourism Law

SUSTAINABLE TOURISM: THE COSTA RICA CASE 677 To measure and locate these levels, the CST establishes a scale of 1 to 5; where each number indicates the relative position of the company in terms of sustainability. All information and rules of the CST can be found in several languages in the following link: V. THE CST PROMOTES ACTIONS THAT BENEFIT US ALL Every time a tourist sees the CST brand in a tourism company it will tell them that: – The company reduces emissions, damages and pollution; – It carries out activities of conservation and management of natural risks for the environment; – The company handles the waste it produces responsibly; – The company consumes natural and biodegradable products. Likewise, recycling is practiced; – It has a water and electric energy saving program; – It invites the public to get to know the natural wealth of the country and encourages people to take care and protect it; – It complies with the norms and guidelines that are established regarding the environment, fauna, archaeological heritage and social security; – It employs and trains the residents of the community where it operates; and – It promotes the traditions and customs of the country, the consumption of typical foods and national crafts. This way, with a Certification system that has been consolidated over the years and that has demonstrated flexibility and the power of adaptation to adjust to changes in the environment and the concept of sustainability itself, ICT and the country is evolving to modify its CST Standard. A new interpretation has arisen that breaks with the paradigm of the effective measurement of tourism sustainability in terms of business competitiveness. This evolution of the Certification for Tourism Sustainability into the CST Standard represents an effort of continuous improvement in order to facilitate an innovative, competitive, efficient and updated tool, in accordance with the new technologies that integrate the Sustainable Development Goals and the Global SustainableTourismCriteria.