Sustainable Tourism Law
666 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW Environmental Protection (CAEP) 1 , which achieved a major milestone at its meeting in February 2016. This new CO2 emissions certification Standard, first global Standard for CO2 emissions of any sector, will apply to new aeroplane type designs from 2020 and to aeroplane type designs that are already in-production in 2023 and is published as a Annex 16 volume III 2 to Chicago Convention. This new standard is part of the ICAO “basket of measures” to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the air transport system, and it is the first global technology Standard for CO2 emissions for any sector with the aim of encouraging more fuel efficient technologies into aeroplane designs. It will ensure that enhancements in aircraft environmental performance are implemented by States and the aviation industry. III. OPERATIONAL IMPROVEMENTS Operational measures are an important element of the basket of measures available to States to reduce CO 2 emissions from international aviation. The most effective way to minimize aircraft emissions is to minimize the amount of fuel used in operating each flight. For every tonne of fuel reduced, an equivalent amount of 3.16 tonnes of CO 2 are saved. Improved operational measures are outlined in the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan 3 to reduce fuel consumption and therefore CO 2 emissions. This Global Air Navigation Plan, adopted by the ICAO Member States, outlines a performance improvement and technology roadmap towards shorter routes and less emissions-intensive take offs and landings, through Performance-based Navigation and the ICAO Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBUs). The most important fuel saving opportunities comes from air traffic management systems that permit more direct and short routes and the use of 1 The Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) is a technical committee of the ICAO Council. CAEP assists the Council in formulating new policies and adopting new SARPs related to aircraft noise and emissions, and more generally to aviation environmental impact. Its mandate is to study and develop proposals to minimize aviation’s effects on the environment. It was established in 1983. CAEP is composed of 23 Members from all regions of the world, and 17 Observers. Approximately 400 internationally-renowned experts are involved in CAEP activities and working groups. 2 First edition of Annex 16 volume III was published in July 2017. 3 More information on the ICAO Global Air Naviation Plan is available at Pages/GANP-Resources.aspx.
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