Sustainable Tourism Law

650 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW matters of travel agencies, such as the relaunching of works related to the revision proposal of the Council’s Directive that changes the Directive no. 77/388/EEC in what concerns the special VAT regime of travel agencies (Tour Operators Margin Scheme TOMS) 54 , stressing the support of the European Parliament for the goals of simplification of the tax’s special regime, associated to the preservation of the competing position of the operators located in the European Union in relation to operators of third party countries. Still, in fiscal matters, there is the need for an urgent conclusion of the approval process of the Council’s directive proposal that changes the Directive no. 77/388/EEC about reduced VAT taxes 55 , in order to offer every member-State the possibility of applying, in a structured way, a reduced VAT tax regime to the restaurants, just as it already happens with other activities related to tourism 56 . The support of proposals for the development of craftsmanship 57 , the development of tourism in rural areas 58 , the professional training in tourism 59 , the reinforcement of consumer’s rights in matters of tourism “include identifying new forms of protection such as conciliation services for tourists” and an improved coordination between member-States in what concerns the entrance of citizens known as third country nationals “to EU territory so as to ensure a convergent approach towards tourist flows and their movement within the EU”. §§ Safety and security of tourism Points 16 through 20 are related to security in tourism, starting with the proposal for a “contact group at European level involving the Member States and tour operators in order to coordinate information on the management of health crises, natural disasters or acts of terrorism, as well as problems of personal, legal and 54 COM (2002) 0064. 55 COM (2003) 0397. 56 Exemplifying with holiday accommodation, plots on campsites, hotels and amusement parks. 57 For instance, the registered designations of origin for non-food craft products. 58 Achieving “the objectives of the CAP reform wherever farmers wish to promote accommodation and hospitality services to improve farm incomes, ensure that farmers remain in the area, protect the countryside and maintain the cultural identity of the agricultural environment through the promotion of local traditions and regional food and wine products” (point 10). 59 Work “with all types of partnership such as the one with the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) to promote employment, training and occupational skills in tourism in order to offer genuine career prospects to professional operators, reduce the adverse effects of the instability of the seasonal workforce and guarantee a quality of services in tune with new trends and the increasing expectations of consumers; recalls likewise the desirability of strengthening the presence of the tourism sector in the development of European programmes for teacher and student mobility in the field of both vocational training and university study, placing particular emphasis on supporting specific lifelong training programmes adapted to workers” circumstances” (point 11).