Sustainable Tourism Law

SUSTAINABILITY: THE PATH FROM STOCKHOLM TO THE EUROPEAN CHARTER 647 There are many models to attain sustainable tourism, which is dictated by the consumers and its success in economic terms is essential to guarantee sustainability. The Commission does not defend the introduction of regulating instruments given the lack of volunteers’ achievements. A multilateral cooperative and proactive approach, aiming to eliminate the distance between the Community and the field actors appears as themost correct one to achieve tourismsustainability. Evaluation of the impact on sustainability – An oriented approach regarding demand and improvement of the chain of offer of actors and destination development. • Consumer-oriented awareness raising • Multi-stakeholder partnerships and networks • Capacity building, good practice and stakeholder commitment to sustainability • Multi-stakeholder monitoring and reporting 1.2.10 Resolution of the European Parliament for Sustainable European Tourism The European Parliament also dedicated, as expected, its attention to the important subject of tourism sustainability, which is materialized on the Report on new prospects and new challenges for sustainable European tourism 44 . At the preparatory works, the Portuguese deputy Luís Queiró was the rapporteur, whose honourable work figures both in the project’s report 45 and in the final report 46 . The fundamental texts on which it stands, as indicated in the preliminary foundations, are the following: 1. The Commission Communication of 21 November 2003 on basic orientations for the sustainability of European tourism 47 ; 2. The Council Resolution of 21May 2002 on the future of European tourism 48 ; 3. The Resolution of 14 May 2002 on working together for the future of European tourism 49 . 44 2004/2229 (INI). 45 Committee on Transport and Tourism, 1 st March 2005, with references to PR\558524PT.doc and PE. 353.597v02-00. 46 Idem, 15 th July 2005, with references to RR\575225PT.doc e PE 353.597v03-00. 47 COM/2003/0716. 48 OJ C 135 6.6.2002, p. 1. 49 OJ 180 E 31.7.2003, p. 138.