Sustainable Tourism Law

622 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW Chapter 16 Environmentally Sound Management of Biotechnology Chapter 17 Protection of the Oceans, All Kinds of Seas, including Enclosed and Semi- enclosed Seas, and Coastal Areas and the Protection, Rational Use and Development of their Living Resources Chapter 18 Protection of the Quality and Supply of Freshwater Resources: Application of Integrated Approaches to the Development, Management and Use of Water Resources Chapter 19 Environmentally Sound Management of Toxic Chemicals, Including Prevention of Illegal International Traffic in Toxic and Dangerous Products Chapter 20 Environmentally Sound Management of Hazardous Wastes, Including Prevention of Illegal International Traffic in Hazardous Wastes Chapter 21 Environmentally Sound Management of Solid Wastes and Sewage-related Issues Chapter 22 Safe and Environmentally Sound Management of Radioactive Wastes Section III. Strengthening the Role of Major Groups Chapter 23 Preamble Chapter 24 Global Action for Women Towards Sustainable and Equitable Development Chapter 25 Children and Youth in Sustainable Development Chapter 26 Recognizing and Strengthening the Role of Indigenous People and their Communities Chapter 27 Strengthening the Role of Non-governmental Organizations: Partners for Sustainable Development Chapter 28 Local Authorities’ Initiatives in Support of Agenda 21 Chapter 29 Strengthening the Role of Workers and their Trade Unions Chapter 30 Strengthening the Role of Business and Industry Chapter 31 Scientific and Technological Community Chapter 32 Strengthening the Role of Farmers Section IV. Means of Implementation Chapter 33 Financial Resources and Mechanisms Chapter 34 Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technology, Cooperation and Capacity- building Chapter 35 Science for Sustainable Development Chapter 36 Promoting Education, Public Awareness and Training Chapter 37 National Mechanisms and International Cooperation for Capacity-building in Developing Countries Chapter 38 International Institutional Arrangements Chapter 39 International Legal Instruments and Mechanisms Chapter 40 Information for Decision-making