Sustainable Tourism Law

NEW INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (ICTS) 609 that the flexibility of the consumer in being able to contract diverse services through Internet can sometimes originate some problems derived from having to combine different tourist products, and not adjusting to a route pre-established by a tour operator. It has also focused the point of attention on various aspects of online or network contracting, because it is necessary to differentiate in this field between the perfection of the contract and its acceptance 13 . Law 13/2002, 21 June 2002, of Tourism of Catalonia 14 It refers to the Directive (EU) 2015/2302 in the letter k) of section 1 of art. 67 of Law 13/2002, written by Law 5/2017, 28 March 2017, over enacting tax, administrative, financial and public sector measures, and creating and regulating the taxes over large commercial premises, over the sojourn in tourist accommodation, over elements with radiotoxicity, over packed or bottled sugary beverages and over carbon dioxide emissions of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia 15 , and it states that the registration in theTourismRegistry of Catalonia of natural or legal persons, who are established in Catalonia, has the guarantee indicated in arts. 17 and 19 of the Directive (EU) 2015/2302. Art. 67 of Law 13/2002, which collects the competences of the Administration of the Generalitat of Catalonia. Law 13/2016, 28 July 2016, of Tourism on the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country 16 It refers, in its art. 56, to what is indicated in art. 151.1 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, and mentions the regulations that transpose Directive 2015/2302. 13 APARICIO VAQUERO, Juan Pablo y BATUECAS CALETRÍO, Alfredo: «La contratación “on line” de servicios turísticos», Nuevas fórmulas de comercialización “on line” de servicios turísticos: subsunción en los tipos legales y distribución de responsabilidad , Antonia Paniza Fullana y Juan Pablo Aparicio Vaquero (coord.), Comares, Granada, 2013, pages. 49-78; RAMÓN FERNÁNDEZ, Francisca: «La contratación a distancia de productos turísticos: información y derecho de desistimiento del consumidor», Las nuevas tendencias y tecnologías en la comercialización de productos turísticos. XV Congreso Internacional de Turismo Universidad y Empresa , Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2013, pages. 219-232; ASENSI MERÁS, Altea: «Contratación online de servicios turísticos y paquetes dinámicos de turismo», Investigaciones Turísticas , num. 12, 2016, pages. 163-182. Available at: bitstream/10045/61313/1/Investigaciones_Turisticas_12_08.pdf (Accessed on 22 October 2017); «New approaches of on line puarchase of tourist services and tourist dynamic packages», International journal of scientific management and tourism , vol. 2, num. 1, 2016, pages. 287-302. Available at: ijosmt/article/view/85/94 (Accessed on 23 October 2017). 14 BOE num. 169, 16 July 2002. 15 BOE num. 152, 27 June 2017. 16 BOE num. 219, 10 September 2016.