Sustainable Tourism Law
NEW INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (ICTS) 607 III. AN APPROACH TO THE SPANISH REGULATION. APPLICATION OF NEW INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (ICTS). The package travel contract can be made by way of one or more contracts. If one contract is made, it will be done for the entire travel; in case several contracts are concluded, they will all regulate the services that are included in the package travel. In the Spanish legislation, it is laid down in the art. 151.1 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007. In this sense, as indicated in the aforementioned precept, a package travel is a prior combination of at least two components when sold or offered for sale at an inclusive price, where the service covers a period in excess of 24 hours or includes an overnight stay. The components that can be combined in the travel are those indicated in Figure 1. Transport Accommodation Other tourist services not ancillary to transportor or accommodation and accounting for a significant proportion of the package Figure 1. Elements that can be combined in a package travel. In today’s society, considering our new information and communication technologies (ICTs), it is very common for consumers to organise their travel by themselves, using the websites that are provided by transportation services (airplane, railway or automobile), accommodation (different types of hotel accommodation) and various activities (visits, excursions, etc.) 9 . All of these are 9 CANÓS DARÓS, Lourdes y RAMÓN FERNÁNDEZ, Francisca: “Las nuevas tecnologías de la sociedad de la información y su regulación para las agencias de viajes”, Innovación, creatividad y nuevos modelos de gestión en turismo , Tirant lo Blanch, 2009, pages. 593-605; CAVANILLAS MÚGICA, Santiago: «Nuevas formas de promoción y contratación de servicios turísticos en Internet», Nuevas fórmulas de comercialización “on line” de servicios turísticos: subsunción en los tipos legales y distribución de responsabilidad , Antonia Paniza Fullana y Juan Pablo Aparicio Vaquero (coord.), Comares, Granada, 2013, pages. 1-20.
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