Sustainable Tourism Law
The implementation of the new PTD in France: a balanced deal between all actors? Valérie Augros Over recent years the tourism industry has been notably transformed by technical innovations. As a result, new travel products and services have appeared, as well as new distribution models to respond to the changing of travellers’ behaviour (gift box, “direct” travel arrangements, travel coach, etc.). In addition, traditional travel businesses had to adapt themselves to face such changes. More than ever, the travel industry became a fast-growing competitive sector where new types of businesses are now entering the market (e.g. Airbnb, Google, Trip Advisor, etc.). Beyond that, the travel package remains an attractive product for many travellers. The EC Directive nr. 90/314 of 13 June 1990 on package travel, package holidays and package tours stopped being relevant given the significant transformations in the tourism industry. The new Directive (EU) 2015/2302 of 25 November 2015 on package and linked travel arrangements (hereinafter “the directive” or “the PTD”) aims at adapting the legal framework to this changing market. Tourism plays an important role in the economy of the European Union, as well as in the French economy. French people are keen to travel and to spend money. France is a country that attracts many tourists. France is considered as the 5 th outbound market in the world in terms of outbound tourism expenditures (after China, the USA, Germany and the United Kingdom) 1 . 1 Source: UNWTO, July 2017.
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