Sustainable Tourism Law
A New Draft Regulation of Package Travels in Spain 1 Patricia Benavides Velasco 2 Commercial Law Senior Lecturer University of Málaga, Spain ABSTRACT In this paper we consider some controversial issues about the transposition of the Package Travel Directive into the Spanish legal system. First, we deal with the new objective scope of the regulation, considering the inclusion of new contracts that had not been taken into account until now. Then, the very concept of traveller is discussed, as is the information that he is supposed to receive before drawing up a contract and in the very moment of its conclusion. This leads us to consider the protection of travellers facing eventual insolvencies of the traders of such products. Finally, we perform an overview of the content of the draft bill amending the Consolidated Text of the General Law for the Protection of Consumers and Users, which provides the regulation of travel packages within the Spanish legal system. Keywords: Travel packages, linked travel arrangements, traveller, travel agency, guarantees, securities, insolvency. SUMMARY I. Introduction. II. The need for a new regulation on travel packages: Directive (EU) 2015/2302 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 1 This paper has been written within the framework of the Research Proyectos: “ANELNOSA. El transporte como motor del desarrollo socioeconómico: adaptación normativa a las exigencias legales y a las nuevas oportunidades en el sector aéreo”, DER2015-65424-C4-4-P (FEDER) 2015-2019, P.I. M.ª Jesús Guerrero Lebrón and “TERMITUR: Diccionario inteligente TERMInológico para el sector TURístico (Alemán-inglés-español)”, HUM2754, 2014-2018, Proyecto de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía, P.I. Gloria Corpas Pastor. 2
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