Sustainable Tourism Law
SUSTAINABLE TOURISM IN ARGENTINA 539 Besides, with regard to the tourism sector, GREENERHOTELS was created, a Program of Sustainable Hotels that was developed by the Association of Tourism Hotels of the Argentine Republic, endorsed by the Ministry of Tourism and the Argentinean Institute of Normalization and Certification. The characteristics of the greener hotels are: • Respect of the environment and landscape of the area, without any alteration. • Efficient usage of water and energy. • Usage of materials and food which respect nature and visitors. • Diffusion of the advantages of using solar panels, recycled paper, organic drinks and food, and optimization of the water and energy resources. Increasingly more green hotels are created in the country, and the main ones are as follows: • PALO SANTO HOTEL, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. • HOWARD JOHNSON PLAZA VILLA CARLOS PAZ, Córdoba • PANAMERICANO, Bariloche • LOS CAUQUENES RESORT & SPA, Tierra del Fuego. VIII. RECOGNITION OF ARGENTINA FOR ITS SUSTAINABILITY – The city of Buenos Aires won the Sustainable Transport Award in 2014 in Washington, awarded by the Sustainable Transport Award Committee. With this award, specialists recognized the importance of the sustainable transport projects in Buenos Aires that, during the last years, have included the launch of Metrobus, the EcoBici system and the Pedestrian Priority Program. 10 – Some Argentinian professionals were awarded with the Green Latin America award, a prize that recognizes the best environmental projects in Latin America. Architects and Engineers were recognized for their Sustainable G House project in the energy field. The G House is a non-profit private venture which aims to foster the rational use of natural resources and materials, environmental best practices, energy saving and 10
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