Sustainable Tourism Law

534 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM LAW As a consequence, the goals of Sustainable Development should be oriented towards ecological, socio-economic, socio-cultural and socio-spatial sustainability. The seventh article of the Law states that the national policies of the tourism activity must be established within the framework of a strategic plan , establishing a process tomake a diagnosis about reality, deducing its conflicts andpotentialities, allowing the determination of policies and the creation of strategies oriented towards the formulation of programmes, projects and actions for tourism development and growth. The latent premise in such a process is that future is built upon the explicit willingness of people and institutions, which become the authors of their own plans, and that is the reason why it is an open process that allows the construction of a shared future. Because of this premise, present in the concept of strategic planning, it is stated that its incorporation in the law, as a framework for the determination of policies and strategies, has axiological implications, as it rescues the value of democracy by the incorporation of participation and, consequently, the respect for the individual as a member of the community. Participation is not only a condition of legitimacy and social inclusion, but also a necessity to confront complexity. It allows consideration of all the possible scenarios, prior to action, for the formulation of alternatives. The classification of the strategic plan as federal is expressed in the seventh article, section a) of the law. This is another element that accounts for an explicit willingness to change, a strategic plan is no longer regarded without the effective presence of local actors. VI. FEDERAL PLAN FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM The PFETS attempts to be the guiding and organizational process of tourism activities, making it possible to reinforce willingness, optimize resources and lead everybody´s efforts to the achievement of a sustainable tourism development for our country. It has four main goals: Environmental, socio-cultural, Quality and Socio-economic. a) Environmental: Its aim is to implement a model of tourism development that respects the natural environment and meets the needs of the present without compromising future generations.