Sustainable Tourism Law
SUSTAINABLE TOURISM IN ARGENTINA 533 1. Facilitation: Provide the normative coordination and integration through cooperation of the different organisms directly or indirectly related to the tourism activity, pursuing the harmonious development of the national tourism policies. 2. Social, Economic and Cultural Development: Tourism is a social and economic right of people due to its contribution to comprehensive development in the effective leisure time and revaluation of the communities’ cultural identity. 3. Sustainable Development: Tourism develops in harmony with natural and cultural resources in order to guarantee its benefits to future generations. The three pillars of sustainable development are: environment, society and economy. 4. Quality: It is a priority to optimize the quality of destinations and tourist activity in all its areas, in order to satisfy national and international demands. Competitiveness. Ensuring the necessary conditions for the development of the activity through a competitive tourism product, as well as foreign and national investment. 5. Accessibility: Favour the elimination of barriers that impede the usage and enjoyment of the tourist activity by all the sectors of society, encouraging equal opportunities. As regards principle number 3 described above, Sustainable Development, reference should also be made to the forty-first article of our Magna Carta, the National Constitution of the Argentine Republic, which states that “All inhabitants are entitled to the right to a healthy and balanced environment fit for human development in order that productive activities shall meet present needs without endangering those of future generations; and shall have the duty to preserve it.” Besides, the Charter for sustainable tourism adopted at theWorld Conference on Sustainable Tourism, held on Lanzarote in 1995, declared that tourism shall be based on criteria of sustainability, contribute to sustainable development, consider its effects on the cultural and natural heritage, respect the balance between natural, cultural and human environments, contribute to solidarity, mutual respect and participation of all the actors, cooperate in the conservation, protection and appreciation of the worth of natural and cultural heritage, preserve both the quality of the tourist destination and the capacity to satisfy tourists, improve the quality of life of local people and influence the socio- -cultural enrichment of each destination by means of the tourism activity.
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